How to Have A Good Day

Lately I’ve been struggling with my offspring, illness, teething, understanding “no” and the likes. Too often I catch myself sending a text to my loving and hard-working husband complaining about the day I’m having or the mess they’ve made, in turn, making the both of us feel pretty crappy about it all.

I decided to buck up and figure out how to fix my issues without griping to my better half, that way I’m in a better mood for everyone and everyone feels better. This is the list that I’ve complied (and seem to work best for me).

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Change Your Posture
I read this article the other day about how to to remedy “rounded shoulders” and surprisingly, changing my posture had a great deal of effect on my mood.

Hot Shower (Bath)
A shower can help refresh and reset you, no matter the time of day.

Make-up/Perfume (or both)
I know for me, especially, even if I know my man won’t see me til dinner, or won’t even be home to see me, sometimes I just need a little bit of a boost. When you like you how you look, you tend to feel better about yourself and your surroundings. Perfume has a way of calming nerves and your sense of smell can trigger a load of emotions, and help change the mood you’re in.

Smile! Take A Picture
Heard “Fake it til you make it”? Well, in a sense, you’ve got to “fake it” til it “changes”. They say that using your smile-muscles actually triggers a hormone release of serotonin, ultimately making you feel happier. I love sitting around with my grump butts and trying to make them smile, or taking pictures with them. Or even just taking advantage of the fact that I put make-up on and sending a picture to my husband.

I know when I feel a mess and can’t seem to get out of the funk, often times I throw the kids in the stroller and put on some good walking/running shoes and take them out in the neighborhood. When it rains (or is too dark), I strap Abigail in my carrier and chase Jaxon around the house and up and down the stairs. Movement increases blood flow, endorphins are released and change your chemical makeup, effecting your mood.

Throw on some tunes (even better if it makes you chase your munchkins around), and get your groove on. Sometimes nostalgic music can take you back and then make you think about where you are in life and how blessed you really are.

Make a List
One of my favorite things to do is make lists. But making a list of reasons why you’re frustrated, upset or stressed can help name your emotions and really bring to light what’s causing your main issues. However, if you have a list of 10 reasons to be upset, you need to make a list of 10 reasons you’re blessed and things to be thankful for.

Have a Drink
Hey, a glass of wine is awesome. Disagree? Well, a hot cup of tea works just as well. Or a milkshake. Whatever you fancy. Whatever makes you smile. Pour yourself a drink of happiness.

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If you have any tricks for making your day better, please feel free to comment and share! I’d love to find new ways to ease my sleepless, exhausted, mombie mind!